Saturday, 9 September 2017

Planner and Bullet Journal /Journal Hacks

 1.Monthly Calendar Wheel

A glance of important dates and events in certain month.


You can set up different types of tracker.Examples:habit tracker,study tracker,social media tracker.  Use square grid paper is better if you want to set up a simple tracker.You can set up tracker in horizontal or vertical layout.

 3. Stencils & Pens

Stencils will be your handy tool to set up planner,bullet journal and journal. Choose a smooth pen to write. Different sizes fineliner from Artline is always my favourite. Add on colours, masking tape,stickers for decoration. 


Add on bookmark is easier to find pages you want.You can add on bookmark by using ribbon and washi tape.Furthermore, you can make bookmark from elastic string or just a ready made bookmark.

Friday, 8 September 2017

Dimanche 迪梦奇

Dimanche(迪梦奇)是法文星期天的意思。虽然品牌名称是法文,但却是100%台湾设计制造的创意品牌。上一次的VLOG 中就有介绍过 Mowglee 摩克利这间店。这间店有售卖迪梦奇的产品,而且是台湾迪梦奇品牌在马来西亚的总代理。所以,喜欢台湾原创品牌的手帐迷不妨到此店逛逛哦!

台湾设计师品牌 - Dimanche 迪夢奇

Dimanche 希望提供高質感的設計與製造水準, 以合理的價格販售給所有喜愛彩繪風格的消費者, 讓所有使用 Dimanche 的人天天都有如星期天般的優閒愉悅。

想要购买迪梦奇的产品,可以到 看商品介绍,选择适合自己的手帐。除了手帐,迪梦奇也推出其他文具。

以下是影片的链接,欢迎点击观看。♡ 💖 ♡